Hallowed Murder by Ellen Hart

Hallowed Murder by Ellen Hart

Author:Ellen Hart [Ellen Hart]
Language: eng
Format: epub, mobi
ISBN: 2940012027399
Google: iD1fPgAACAAJ
Amazon: B004GNFF2K
Goodreads: 3823721
Publisher: Ellen Hart
Published: 2010-12-17T03:00:00+00:00


Nordeen Drug in Hudson, Wisconsin, was located quite a distance from the main part of town. It was an old two-story building that had been badly neglected over the years. Jane parked her car near the front entrance and sat for a few moments looking around the neighborhood. The fading winter sunlight cast deep purple shadows in the newly fallen snow. Without the clean covering the snow provided, she was sure the houses would look ramshackle. She could easily believe Emily had little money. No one would willingly live above such a dreary, and no doubt dirty, drugstore.

The front door creaked unpleasantly as Jane walked into the small, overheated room. The cracked linoleum needed a good sweeping, and the windows could have used a scrub. A heavyset, middle-aged woman sat casually behind the cash register, absorbed in a magazine. She looked up as Jane entered.

“Can I help you?” she said, examining Jane curiously. “You’re not from around here, are you.” It was less a question than a statement. Still gazing intently at Jane, she reached over the counter and grabbed a pack of chewing gum.

Jane smiled, wondering if perhaps she had just witnessed a petty theft. She supposed a drugstore this far from the main part of Hudson rarely got visited except by those in the neighborhood. “That’s right,” she said, looking around the store. “I was wondering if you could tell me how I get to the apartment upstairs. I didn’t see a door outside.”

The clerk nodded toward a narrow stairway in the back by the pharmacy. “There’s also an entrance out back, but this one’ll be easier for you.” She unwrapped the gum and folded a stick into her mouth. “Old man Nordeen used to live up there before he died.”


“You know her?” asked the clerk chewing audibly. “The woman up there, I mean.” She nodded toward the stairs.

“No. We’ve never met.”

“She seems pretty upset about something.” She unwrapped another stick and crammed it into her mouth.

“What do you mean?” asked Jane.

“She never goes anywhere. And when she does pop her head out, she always looks like she’s been crying or something. She keeps that door locked day and night.” The clerk chewed loudly. “Except, I’ve heard her talking to someone. Well, not exactly talking. Yelling is more like it. Some guy has come to visit her a couple of times, and they’ve had some pretty heated discussions, if you ask me.”

“I see,” said Jane. She moved a little closer to the counter. “You don’t remember anything they said by any chance?”

The clerk stopped chewing. “I’m not that kind, lady. I don’t go listening to other people’s conversations. I mean, I may have some natural curiosity about what’s going on up there. Who wouldn’t?”

“So do I,” said Jane. “I guess that’s why I’m here.”

The woman began to unwrap another stick of gum, which sent Jane flying toward the stairs. She couldn’t bear to watch the woman’s teeth rot and fall out right in front of her.

Everything about Emily Anderson’s room was lean and tucked in.


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